"A museum is a non-profit, permanent institution in the service of society and its development, open to the public, which acquires, conserves, researches, communicates and exhibits the tangible and intangible heritage of humanity and its environment for the purposes of education, study and enjoyment."
ICOM Belgium
ICOM Belgium Flanders represents museums and museum professionals who subscribe to the above-mentioned definition of museums and adopt the ICOM Code of Ethics. The organization is made up of a network of large and smaller museums, based in Flanders and Brussels. ICOM Belgium Flanders brings together museums and museum professionals and serves as ICOM representative and contact for all the museums in Flanders and Brussels.
Both regular and board members represent the organisation in numerous ICOM Committees and in the European museum platform NEMO (Network of European Museum Organisations). ICOM Belgium Flanders is also co-organizer of the prestigious EMYA-award (European Museum of the Year). The organization is one of the main participants of the OCE meetings (Overleg Cultureel Erfgoed) and other cultural networking platforms in Flanders.
ICOM Belgium Flanders strives to be a knowledge hub and think tank for useful and new information on museum- and heritage-related issues. The organization informs her members on new development and activities through numerous digital media. Visits behind the scenes of innovative museums inspire other professionals in the field as well as museum guides. ICOM Belgium Flanders organises conferences and so-called 'Museum Policy Talks', focussed on current themes, e.g. museum catering, public participation and intangible heritage, which function as network opportunities and think tanks.
Reflection, interaction, team spirit and inspiration, those are the focus points of ICOM Belgium Flanders, as the means to reinforce and connect the museum professionals in Flanders.

Museum van Deinze en de Leiestreek © Peter Van der Plaetsen

Museum Dhondt-Daenens Deurle © Peter Van der Plaetsen